I hope I can show you how to turn it into an actual SNES game. Many game devs use tumblr or other blogs to promote their indie projects or people showing their (pixel) art and mockups. Hence, I will write about programming in assembly for the SNES. I’m not an awesome illustrator or artist, so I have to resort to what I’m good at, assembly programming. There are a few tutorials on programming the SNES on the web, so why write another one? The honest answer is: I need content for my blog. Read on to start your own SNES Assembly Adventure.
This article will kick-start your project by helping you to set up a development environment. We will cover all topics necessary for writing a SNES game from the beginning to the end. But how were those classics made that so many of today’s games try to emulate? The aim of these articles is to show you the steps for programming your own game for the SNES (and hopefully other consoles and machines in the future). Most aim to re-create the graphic and music style of so-called 8- or 16-bit consoles like The SNES or Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. Retro Gaming has been strong in the past years, with hundreds of new games releases. This is the first of several articles on developing games for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.
SNES Assembly Adventure 01: Develop for the SNES